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Ally Pad Safety

An user friendly device Ally Pad alerts you via a visual and audible alarm on your smartphone if you move away from the vehicle and abandon your child in the car seat or carrycot. In case of no answer, the App sends a text message to the preset emergency contacts indicating the geographical coordinates of … Continued

Ally Pad Wellness

Against dissociative amnesia Dissociative amnesia is a memory gap involving a complete loss of notions of time and memory, usually linked to traumatic events or severe stress. Ally Pad is the anti-abandonment device that helps you cope with this rare occurrence. Prevents the risk of penalties Devices anti-abandonment in the car of children up to … Continued

Caboto Safety

Boczny system ochrony głowy Wyposażony w technologię Side Head Protection oraz wkładki EPS w całej konstrukcji, aby zwiększyć absorpcję energii w przypadku zderzenia bocznego. Łatwa i bezpieczna instalacja Technologia ISOFIX z Top Tether znacznie zmniejsza ryzyko nieprawidłowej instalacji fotelika wewnątrz samochodu.

Caboto Wellness

Wspólne dorastanie Anatomiczne siedzisko zapewnia dziecku maksymalny komfort, podążając za jego wzrostem dzięki regulacji pałąka pod głowę. Odchylane siedzisko Wystarczy jedna ręka, aby wyregulować odchylane siedzisko i wybrać jedną z 4 pozycji, zapewniając dziecku wygodną i relaksującą podróż. Wygodna i chroniona głoówka Otulacz głowy Pochylony kształt otulacza zapobiega ześlizgiwaniu się główki dziecka podczas snu. Poduszka … Continued

Tolomeo Wellness

Simultaneous height and width adjustment The height-adjustable backrest (5 positions), synchronized with the width adjustment, gradually adapts to the growth of your child, thus ensuring the ideal size at all times. Backrest in 3D mesh Backrest in 3D mesh on the back to facilitate breathability and air circulation. Comfort in all occasions Wrap-around head hugger … Continued

Tolomeo Safety

Easy and safe installation The Isofix technology remarkably decreases the risk of an incorrect installation. Side Head Protection system Designed to remarkably increase energy absorption in the event of side impact. Travel advice You can use TOLOMEO 2.3 Ifix up 12 years of age. Always check that you are inserting the harness in the correct … Continued

Classic Stroller

Un nido per il tuo bambino Ampia, confortevole e curata nei minimi dettagli. La culla Classica è realizzata con pregiato legno canadese ed è completamente rivestita in prezioso tessuto anche all’esterno (per la variante Jaquard Bianco Blu è previsto l’impiego di inserti in simil-pelle). Welcome Pad™, uno speciale materassino per dargli un benvenuto straordinario Per … Continued

Newton Wellness

Adjustable head hugger 9-position height-adjustable head hugger (4 in Group 1 and 5 in Group 2 and 3). The wrap-around and inclined shape of the head hugger prevents your baby’s head from slipping during sleep. Ergonomic seat The seat can be reclined to 4 positions using just one hand for a guaranteed comfortable and relaxing … Continued

Newton Safety

Easy and safe installation The Isofix technology with Top Tether remarkably decreases the risk of an incorrect installation inside the car. Side Head Protection system Designed to increase energy absorption in the event of side impact thanks to EPS inserts. From 15 kg until the use of the car seat is no longer compulsory As … Continued

Gemino Wellness

Reclining seat You only need one hand to adjust the reclining seat and choose between 4 positions, ensuring your child has a comfortable and relaxing journey. To grow together It adapts to the growth of your child thanks to the simultaneous adjustment in height and width of the backrest. For use between 1 and 12 … Continued