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TRILOGY Stroller Wellness

Absolute comfort in all positions The backrest can be reclined in 3 positions thanks to a centralised control, the seat becomes horizontal to ensure correct posture and comfort. Your child’s legs are always supported comfortably by the extending footrest, to continue to use the stroller even when they are asleep. Facing the parent and facing … Continued

APTICA Stroller Wellness

Twarzą do rodzica i do kierunku jazdy Odwracane siedzisko pozwala na użytkowanie wózka w dwóch różnych kierunkach. Twarzą do rodzica przez pierwsze kilka miesięcy, kiedy dziecko potrzebuje wsparcia ze strony spojrzenia i kontaktu mamy i taty, twarzą do kierunku jazdy, gdy będzie starsze. Właściwy czas na zmianę kierunku? To samo dziecko da jasno do zrozumienia: … Continued

APTICA Stroller Practicality

Łatwość obsługi Dzięki łożyskom kulkowym w czterech kołach porusza się niezwykle płynnie, a dzięki dużym kołom z amortyzatorami (średnica 190 mm z przodu i 260 mm z tyłu) z łatwością radzi sobie w każdym terenie. Maksymalna higiena Specjalny system zamykania Inglesina zapobiega dotykaniu rączki o podłoże, co zapewni maksymalną higienę i bezpieczeństwo Tobie i Twojemu … Continued


Prime passeggiate nel totale benessere Adatto fin dai primi mesi di vita, il passeggino Zippy Light ha la seduta ampia e comoda, con schienale completamente reclinabile con comando centralizzato e poggiapiedi regolabile, per il massimo del comfort anche nei momenti della nanna. I protagonisti del comfort Seduta ampia Accogliente, comoda e imbottita, offre al tuo … Continued

ZIPPY LIGHT Practicality

Compatto e maneggevole, oltre ogni immaginazione Si muove agilmente anche negli spazi più stretti, grazie alle sue dimensioni contenute (solo 48 cm di larghezza); occupa pochissimo spazio da chiuso. Pronto per una fantastica passeggiata Comodo e igienico Una volta chiuso rimane in piedi da solo, così manterrai la massima igiene ovunque. Cestino rifrangente Rende le … Continued

TRILOGY Stroller

Absolute comfort in all positions The backrest can be reclined in 3 positions thanks to a centralised control, the seat becomes horizontal to ensure correct posture and comfort. Your child’s legs are always supported comfortably by the extending footrest, to continue to use the stroller even when they are asleep. Facing the parent and facing … Continued

TRILOGY Car seat

Side impact protection High level of protection in case of side impact, thanks to the Side Head Protection technology. Ergonomic seat Reduction cushion covered with soft jersey fabric, designed ergonomically to promote the correct posture for the baby during the first few months of life. Installation Huggy can be installed in the car on its … Continued


Opening and closing a chassis has never been easier Thanks to the exclusive system patented by Inglesina, the chassis opens and closes with just one hand. Stands up alone When closed, it is extremely compact and stands up alone. Maximum hygiene The special Inglesina closing system prevents the handle from touching the ground, this will … Continued


Perché svegliarlo? Con il pratico Standup puoi utilizzare la culla per garantire al tuo bambino sonni tranquilli, anche a casa. Nei primi mesi di vita avrà bisogno di dormire molto, fino a 16-18 ore al giorno. Se si addormenta al rientro da una passeggiata, posiziona la culla in modo comodo e igienico sullo Standup e … Continued

TRILOGY Carrycot

Incredibly spacious For the correct physiological development of the newborn baby, it is important to ensure that they are lying down and horizontal as long as possible. Thanks to its large internal dimensions (76 x 37 cm) they can lie down comfortably at least until 6 months old, even when wrapped in a winter muff … Continued